Wednesday, February 22, 2012



I love white ironstone. I love the old farm house pieces, the fancy pieces and even the regular pieces. I've been collecting for around 10 years now and i go thru spurts where i keep it all and i go thru spurts where i sell it all and start all over again. Here are a few of my favorite pieces.......I do sell on etsy and ebay, so if you are looking for any certain piece please ask... you never know what you might find!
I was reading one of my favorite blogs....missmustardseed and she was asked how to clean white ironstone....i did send her my recipe and she contacted W.I.C.A and also got there version on how to clean it......i have a gas stove and knock on wood....i have been just fine baking mine and i also use a higher volume of peroxide(40 to 60 volume)....but im sure for liability sake the W.I.C.A. recipe will be fine...will just take longer..(thats just my 2 cents).....good luck with it and unless you use bleach(ackkkk..bleach will kill your ironstone and turn it to chalk!!!)you cant harm ironstone..its been around hundreds of years, so have fun!

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